- 1、黑客帝国里那个要尼奥吻她才给钥匙的女星(那个酷男的老婆)是何人?太正点了!
- 2、黑客帝国2中尼欧亲的那个女的叫什么(不是崔妮蒂)?
- 3、黑客帝国2里merovingian给那个女的吃了点心,那女的到底是什么反应?
- 4、谁还记得黑客帝国2史密斯与尼奥所说的关于意义的话
- 5、《黑客2》中莫妮卡贝鲁奇为什么要让尼奥亲她
莫妮卡·贝鲁奇 Monica Bellucci
(Monica Anna Maria Bellucci)
配偶:文森特.卡赛尔 Vincent Cassel(1999年结婚)
女儿: Deva
Centricity ------- (2008)
Manuale d'amore 2 (Capitoli successivi) ------- (2007)
Deuxième souffle, Le ------- (2007)
Penélope, camino a los Oscar ------- (2007)
火线保镖 Shoot 'Em Up ------- (2007)
撒旦魔王/死亡人偶 Sheitan ------- (2006)
我与拿破仑 N (Io e Napoleone) ------- (2006)
灵石会议/石头会议 Concile de pierre, Le ------- (2006)
Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero ------- (2006)
爱我多深 Combien tu m'aimes? ------- (2005)
The Matrix: Path of Neo ------- (2005)
The Matrix Online ------- (2005)
格林兄弟 The Brothers Grimm ------- (2005)
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within ------- (2004)
她恨我/出卖雄风 She Hate Me ------- (2004)
The Burly Man Chronicles ------- (2004)
秘密雇员 Agents secrets ------- (2004)
The Big Question ------- (2004)
The Making of 'The Passion of the Christ' ------- (2004)
耶稣受难记/受难曲 The Passion of the Christ ------- (2004)
The Passion Behind 'The Passion' ------- (2004)
黑客帝国3:矩阵革命/黑客帝国3:最后战役/黑客帝国3:帝国革命 The Matrix Revolutions ------- (2003)
Monica: irrésistible ------- (2003)
The GQ Men of the Year Awards ------- (2003)
忆汝我心/同床异梦/记住我 Ricordati di me ------- (2003)
Enter the Matrix ------- (2003)
Making 'Enter the Matrix' ------- (2003)
太阳之泪 Tears of the Sun ------- (2003)
黑客帝国2:重装上阵/骇客帝国2 The Matrix Reloaded ------- (2003)
Journey to Safety: Making 'Tears of the Sun' ------- (2003)
Astérix Obélix: Mission Cléopatre - Le Comankonafé ------- (2002)
埃及艳后的任务 Astérix Obélix: Mission Cléopatre ------- (2002)
Un jour dans la vie du cinéma francais ------- (2002)
不可逆转/不可撤消 Irréversible ------- (2002)
Pacte des loups - Les coulisses du tournage, Le ------- (2001)
狼族盟约 Pacte des loups, Le ------- (2001)
玛莲娜/真爱伴我行/西西里的美丽传说 Malèna ------- (2000)
疑云密布/嫌疑犯/惊爆2001/悬疑对战/ Under Suspicion ------- (2000)
致命的邂逅 Franck Spadone ------- (2000)
Méditerranées ------- (1999)
Comme un poisson hors de l'eau ------- (1999)
A los que aman ------- (1998)
Compromis ------- (1998)
罗马新年 Ultimo capodanno, L' ------- (1998)
Plaisir (et ses petits tracas), Le ------- (1998)
太保密码 Dobermann ------- (1997)
Mauvais genre ------- (1997)
Come mi vuoi ------- (1997)
Stressati ------- (1997)
非常公寓 Appartement, L' ------- (1996)
Sorellina e il principe del sogno ------- (1996)
Cielo è sempre più blu, Il ------- (1995)
约瑟/若瑟 Joseph ------- (1995)
Palla di neve ------- (1995)
Mitici, I ------- (1994)
吸血僵尸/惊情四百年 Dracula ------- (1992)
性之道 Ostinato destino ------- (1992)
Riffa, La ------- (1991)
Briganti ------- (1990)
Vita coi figli ------- (1990)
意大利美女莫妮卡·贝鲁奇曾主演过《火线保镖》、《西西里的美丽传说》等 。
...但是, 你很了解人不可貌像这句话,这就是我们又回到这儿来的原因.我们会在这儿并非因为我们自由了——我们回这儿是因为我们并不自由.这是无可否认,无法拒绝的使命.因为我们都知道, 如果没有使命,我们就不会存在.是使命创造了我们.使命联系着我们.使命牵动着我们.指引着我们, 推动着我们.是使命确认我们的存在.但使命也约束着我们.我们会在这儿全是拜你所赐的,安德森先生.我们来这儿是要夺回你从我们身上夺走的东西——我们的使命.
...But,as you well know. Appearances can be deceiving, which brings me back to the reason why we're here. We're not here because we're free, We're here because we're not free. There's no escaping reason, no denying purpose. Because we both know,without purpose, we would not exist. It is purpose that created us. Purpose that connects us. Purpose that pulls us, that guides us,that drives us. It is purpose that defines us. Purpose that binds us. We're here because of you, Mr. Anderson. We're here to take from you what you tried to take from us--Purpose.