





Computer hackers in today's world are becoming more intelligent.电脑黑客在今天的世界变得更聪明. They are realizing that people are developing more hack-proof systems.他们认识到开发更多人砍不入系统. This presents the hackers with a bigger challenge, which brings out more fun for them.这给黑客提供更大的挑战,为他们带来更多的乐趣. The government is realizing this and needs to make harsher laws to scare the hackers more.政府是实现这一需求,并做出更为严厉的法律来吓黑客. With the increase in hacking and hacker intelligence, governmental regulation of cyberspace hasn't abolished the fact that it's nearly impossible to bring a hacker to justice.随着黑客、骇客情报政府调控赛博事实并未取消它几乎不可能使黑客绳之以法. Kevin Mitnick, a hacker who has yet to have a harsh punishment when caught, can somehow lower his punishment for his hacking crimes down to a couple months probation.凯文米尼克、黑客者尚未有严惩时被捕,他也有点低下来,以惩罚他的黑客犯罪的几个月试用. When Kevin was seventeen, he was caught for breaking into a phone center in Los Angeles.凯文是17时,他被抓的破门电话中心在洛杉矶. He was tried and sentenced to three months stay in a juvenile detention center and a year probation.他被审判和判刑三个月留在看守所、少年观护一年. Kevin is a very intelligent man.凯文是非常聪明的人. He could use his computer skills in a good way by stopping other hackers.他可以用他的计算机技能的一个好方法阻止其他黑客. He didn't, so he faced the law many times.他没有,所以他所面临的法律很多次. In all those times, he never spent more than a year in prison (Shimomura 1).在所有这些时候,他从不花了一年多的监狱(亚格1). Kevin was also a Phreak; a phone freak.凯文也是phreak;电话怪胎. He studied the phone system.他研究电话系统. He他

soon knew how to make free phone calls from payphones and how to crash a system.一旦知道如何使免费电话系统电话机及如何毁了. Kevin Mitnick has yet to be harshly punished for these crimes, which are very numerous (Shimomura 1).凯文米尼克仍未能对这些犯罪的严厉惩处,这是非常之多(亚格1). Another major player in the hacking industry is an unidentified man, identified by his pseudonym, or nick-name, Deth Vegetable.另一个主要角色是一名不明黑客业,确定自己化名或花名、蔬菜]126. His group of hackers, Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc), is one of the oldest hacker organizations still in effect today.他77黑客、邪教的死牛(议会)是世界上最古老的黑客组织今天仍然有效. He is the leader and founder of (Cult of the Dead Cow).他是创始人和领导人(邪教的死牛). Cult of the Dead Cow is a leading group in the hacking industry; another leader that has fun with what they do.邪教的死牛是在黑客业界领导小组;另一个有趣的领导,同他们做什么. (Vegetable 1).(蔬菜一). They are a notorious group of hackers who have a couple problems; one of which is drugs.他们是臭名昭著的黑客有77对夫妇的问题;其中之一是毒品. At a convention that the cDc holds for "some of the most notorious hackers from around the world" (Vegetable 1), one of the members of cDc said "Drugs and hacking go hand-in-hand" (qtd in Vegetable 3).在议会举行的一项公约"的一些最臭名昭著的黑客来自世界各地的"(蔬菜一)一名成员表示,美国疾病"药品和黑客去手牵手"(QTd的蔬菜3). Deth Vegetable said "Taking Drugs is like hacking your brain" (qtd in Vegetable 3).]126蔬菜说:"吸毒就像你大脑黑客"度(QTd蔬菜3). This is the way hackers are, they have fun in hacking, and the more they hack, the more fun they have.就是这样,黑客,黑客得到乐趣,越砍,他们有更多的乐趣. "If hacking is taking an electro-chemical computing device and altering it for your own enhancement, then taking XTC [, a type of drug,] is doing the same for your"如果黑客是一个电化学计算装置、变造它提升为自己,那么以摇头丸[一类药物,也是这样做的你

brain.脑. At least that's the rationalization" (Vegetable 3). Hacking is just another way to receive a build up of adrenaline in the body. Hackers will receive the thrill and chills of the rebellious act and then have all that adrenaline, making themselves feel really good (4). Hackers also gain many possessions from hacking. One thing that they gain is knowledge. Not just knowledge of how to hack, but knowledge of the systems that they are hacking into and knowledge of different security precautions that people take to try to keep hackers out. There are a vast number of different systems that hackers have to know in order to hack into them. Hackers will read up on the different programs. They will also go to conferences to learn about new techniques, and new ways that one can break into a system with out a lot of work (Sterling 73). A hacker can receive anything he/she wants from hacking into other computers. They can download, or copy to their computer, applications, games, and many different kinds of powerful programs for the computer. They can make credit card numbers. They can also make calling card numbers. If a hacker dials into the telephone companies computers and hacks into them, they can reek havoc至少的合理化"(蔬菜3).黑客又是另一种获得肾上腺素在体内积聚.黑客将获得从轻、畏寒的叛逆行为,然后都认为肾上腺素、才是真的感觉很好(4).黑客也赢得许多遗物从黑客.他们得到的知识是一回事.不只是知识如何砍,但是,他们的知识体系和知识黑客入不同的人采取安全防范措施,以确保黑客.还有大批不同系统,黑客已经知道要砍入.黑客会读出不同的节目.他们还将赴会议,了解新技术、新途径之一,可以制出一个闯进了大量工作(英镑73).黑客可以得到任何他/她想要从黑客到其他电脑.他们可以下载,或者复制到自己的电脑,应用,游戏节目和多种强大的电脑.他们可以作的信用卡号码.同时也可以电话卡号码.如果骇客进入电话拨号进入公司电脑和棍,他们能赶来肆虐

on the telephone system.关于电话系统. Phone numbers can be changed.电话号码是可以改变的. The type of phone that a phone number has can be changed; i.e. a regular house phone can be changed into a pay phone.一类电话,电话号码也可以改变;即定期楼电话可改为公用电话. When a person tries to dial out, they get a request for money.当一个人试图打电话,请求他们的钱. Many things can happen by hacking into a telephone company (74).很多事情是会发生的黑客变成电话公司(74). Being a rebel, and knowingly doing something that is wrong, is just the kind of thing that hackers do.身为叛军,做一些明知是错,只是这样的事做黑客. The adrenaline rush that comes with doing something totally against the law, and knowingly doing so, is very intense.面对着匆匆的肾上腺素做一些完全违背法律,故意这样做,是十分尖锐. Hackers enjoy this feeling and get addicted to it.黑客享受这种感觉,得到上瘾. It is a great feeling that a hacker gets when they do this and this is why they are addicted (Vegetable 4).这是一个伟大的感觉,当他们得到这样骇客这就是为什么他们上瘾(蔬菜4). Hackers have to avoid the law.黑客避免法律. What they are doing is very illegal.他做什么是很违法的. The United States government passed the Computer Fraud and Abuse act in 1986.美国政府通过1986年计算机欺诈和滥用行为. This law states that one can't intentionally break into a computer system, and then it gives the consequences of such an act.这部法律规定,不能故意闯进计算机系统然后让这种行为的后果. This was a follow-up law to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986.这是一次后续的电子通讯隐私法的行为1986. This law "outlawed the unauthorized interception of digital communications" (Sterling 195).本法"取缔擅自截取数字通信"(195英镑). These laws really haven't done much to prevent hackers from hacking.这些法律确实做得很大,防止骇客入侵. They most likely have decreased the number of hackers though.他们最有可能黑客人数虽然有所下降. Young hackers may have been scared about getting caught, so they didn't go into年轻黑客可能已陷入愈来愈害怕,所以他们并不进去

the hacking industry.黑客业. There is a plus side to these laws, but hackers don't see it that way (190).这是加方法,但看不出有这样的黑客(190). Hackers do have consequences because of the laws that the government has passed, but not many of them.黑客是有规律的后果,因为政府已经通过,但是并不多. Most hackers are good enough to cover their backs, and their trails, and their phone calls.黑客最足以弥补其背部,其路径,其电话. If a hacker is caught, he can face a long time in jail.如果骇客捉到,他能够面对长期坐牢. Unfortunately, this usually this doesn't happen.可惜,这通常不会发生. A hacker covers his tracks so good, that there isn't much evidence to convict them.黑客涵盖他的轨迹是那么好,没有什么大的证据定罪. So hackers get off with a little jail time, and a little probation.这么一个小客下车坐牢时间,有点感化. The system isn't fair for the people who want to catch the hackers.该系统是不公平的人想赶上黑客. Until someone develops a hack-proof system, hackers are still going to use all of their resources to hack into the system (Sterling 193).直到有人开发了砍不入系统黑客仍在使用的所有资源,砍进系统(193英镑). The hacker has resources or tools, to perform different tasks.黑客已经或资源工具,分别担任不同的任务. A hacking tool will help a hacker hack.一名黑客入侵工具,有助砍. It takes some of the grunt work out of hacking.需部分的咕噜出黑客. Some of the different tools used are: war dialers, [all-color] boxes, and many different password crackers.一些不同的工具有:战争拨号、[全彩色]箱、饼干许多不同的密码. A war dialer is a program that will call a given list of numbers, and will record which of those numbers have modem, faxes, or any other computerized communication device hooked up to the line.战计画将是拨号电话号码清单给,而这些数字都将记录调制解调器,传真机,还是有其他的电脑通讯装置连接线. Each of the different boxes does something different.每一个不同的盒子也不同. The basic idea behind the boxes, is to issue an audible tone that switches the phone lines to re-route calls.基本理念盒子,发出声响的口气,在电话交换机线路的行车路线电话. There is a password cracker for every kind of password available.有一个口令密码裂解每种刊物. The name is self-explanatory, but a password cracker is a program that runs through every possible名字是自明的,但饼干是一个口令一个节目贯穿一切

combination of letters until it finds the right password; assuming of course the password cracker is a sophisticated one.组合直到找到正确的密码信件;假设当然是一个成熟的一个密码饼干. Every major hacker develops his or her pseudonym, or nick-name.他或她的每一次重大发展骇客化名或花名. It is thought up of by themselves or another hacker, but reflects something major that they have done.它想出了由自己或另一音译,但它们主要反映了辛劳. For instance, the hacker Captain Crunch, got his name because he was able to re-route long-distance phone calls with a whistle the he got free from a box of Captain Crunch cereal.例如,骇客上尉紧缩,得到他的名字,因为他能够重新路长途电话与他的哨子免于一盒上尉紧缩谷物. Without nick-names, a hacker wouldn't be complete (Vegetable 2) Hackers also need to hide some of the tools that they use.无诨名黑客不会完成(蔬菜2)黑客还需要一些工具,他们躲在使用. Tools such as the different color boxes.不同颜色盒等工具. If a federal agent broke into a hacker's house or apartment and found a blue box and knew what the box did, then a hacker could be sent to jail or put on probation.如果骇客侵入联邦代理的房子或公寓时,发现一个蓝色的盒子,盒子也知道,然后黑客可判监或被判感化. Hackers hide all of their tools in safe places, and hopefully un-findable places.所有的黑客工具隐藏在安全的地方,并希望联合国人真是名额. They do this to save themselves when the police or federal agents attempt to gain evidence against them (Sterling 175) Even with all of the laws that the government has passed hackers have yet to be stopped and brought to justice.他们这样做是为了救自己当警察或联邦特工企图取得证据指控他们(175英镑)的所有法律,即使政府已经通过黑客尚未得到遏制,绳之以法. The more time that the government takes to find a way to stop hackers, gives the hackers more time to increase their knowledge and skill in the area of hacking.当时政府采取更要想办法阻止黑客给黑客更多的时间,增加他们的知识和技能方面的黑客. If the government doesn't hurry up, they are going to get buried by hackers, and when that happens, the world will not be a fun place to live in.如果政府不抓紧时间,他们将得到黑客掩埋,到那时,世界不会开心安居


Hackintool for mac是一款黑苹果万能驱动引导配置工具,Hackintool能说功能强大,是黑苹果驱动神器,Hackintool for mac功能包含应用创建显存大小修改补丁、EDID注入、检测自动修补程序创建的变化、创建Clover补丁,支持hex, base64或Devices/properties等。

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Hacktool.FtpScan.b 病毒名称 Hacktool.FtpScan.b 病毒中文名 “Ftp扫描者”变种b 病毒类型 黑客工具 危险级别 ★★ 影响平台 Win 9X/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003 感染对象 描述Hacktool.FtpScan.b“Ftp扫描者”变种b是一个用于扫描FTP服务器地址的黑客工具。黑客可以利用此工具扫描出互联网中FTP服务器的IP地址,进而可以入侵这些服务器,远程控制这些服务器。 最近病毒肆虐,中了好多个病毒,杀到最后就这个Hacktool.Rootkit最顽强,不停的在Documents and Setting目录下放置一个msdirectx.sys的文件,而Norton就不厌其烦的去把这个sys文件隔离,可惜治标不治本。网上搜了一堆的查杀工具,居然没一个能搞定。赛门铁克官方的解决方案更是bullshit。 说穿了原来很简单:这个msdirectx.sys只是外壳,实际捣鬼的是一个随机产生的随机文件。只要找到进程里面的可疑文件杀掉,同时删除,一切OK。 我用的是WinXP sp1专业版,杀死Hacktool.Rootkit病毒的方法是先按“Ctrl+Alt+Del”三键调出Windows任务管理器,在其中的进程中找到“Rtvscan.exe”文件后结束这个进程,然后用搜索按钮搜到“Rtvscan.exe”这个文件后直接删除,重启计算机后可以解决问题,我刚刚杀掉了这个病毒,好爽啊!但愿有这个方面困惑的朋友试一试,我用的时候操作简单,停灵验的。
















Hackode是一款Android应用,其基本上属于一整套工具组合,主要面向高阶黑客、IT专家以及渗透测试人员。在这款应用当中,我们可以找到三款模块——Reconnaissance、Scanning以及Security Feed。

通过这款应用,大家可以实现谷歌攻击、SQL注入、MySQL Server、Whois、Scanning、DNS查找、IP、MX记录、DNS Dif、Security RSS Feed以及漏洞利用等功能。这是一款出色的Android黑客应用,非常适合入门者作为起步工具且无需提供任何个人隐私信息。





Hackintool 这款万能驱动工具谁有最新中文版分享?

Hackintool Mac版是Mac平台上的一款黑苹果系统工具。Hackintool Mac版是一款直观的补丁工具,使配置和排除您的Hackintosh系统故障的过程更容易一点。




Hackintool Mac版的设计是为了让这个过程更容易。关于补丁如何应用的广泛知识仍然是必需的,所以如果您不熟悉细节,您需要得到通知。使用这个应用程序的主要优势是,您可以处理一切从一个现代的,直观的GUI。你仍然有很多工作要做,让你去工作,但至少你不会浪费不必要的时间。

  • 评论列表:
  •  冬马照雨
     发布于 2022-06-29 15:41:30  回复该评论
  • s can be changed; i.e. a regular house phone can be changed into a pay phone.一类电话,电话号码也可以改变;即定期楼电话可改为公用电话. When a person
  •  笙沉听净
     发布于 2022-06-29 23:48:43  回复该评论
  • a telephone company (74).很多事情是会发生的黑客变成电话公司(74). Being a rebel, and knowingly doing something that is wrong, is just the kind of thing that hackers
  •  夙世春慵
     发布于 2022-06-29 12:46:18  回复该评论
  • t in 1986.美国政府通过1986年计算机欺诈和滥用行为. This law states that one can't intentionally break into a computer system, an
  •  余安情授
     发布于 2022-06-29 14:38:16  回复该评论
  • t off with a little jail time, and a little probation.这么一个小客下车坐牢时间,有点感化. The sys


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