



黑客网络新手指南翻译大全 黑客网络Hacknet新手怎么玩


Basic Tips 基础窍门

***IMPORTANT*** Some computers/servers may have different names on them, but what you need to do should be the same. Just follow the steps, you will be fine.

***非常重要*** 有些电脑/服务器可能有不同的名字,但你所要做的应该相同。遵循如下步骤,您就不会有问题。

DON'T abandon any missions atm!! It will most likey cause serious problems and make you unable to finish the game!


1, Type commands as soon as possible.

2, Delete logs when you disconnect.

3, You need to reply almost every time you finish a mission.

4, Always use "Scan Network" option when you successfully hack a computer.

5, Don't delete/rename files unnecessarily. -This is important!!

6, Use auto-complete for commands and file names. (Tab key)

7, Always use "admin" "alpine" to log in to any eos devices.















0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0

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Troubleshooting Common Problems

Q, I don't get an email to start a new mission!! What do I do now!?

A, Make sure to check following things:

1, Your previous mission has finished. (Click "Reply" in the email for it and see if "Mission Incomplete" message shows up.)

2, You don't have any available missions in your current faction's contracts server. (Or the message board if you're working on /el missions.)

3, Restart your game and your problem is still there.




1.你上一个的任务已完成。[尝试点按邮件中的“Reply”(回复)看会不会出现“Mission incomplete”(任务未完成)。]




For "gg wp" from Naix, you need to revenge Naix BEFORE you start any new Entropy mission. Details in "Naix Missions" section below.


If none of these helps you, you might have had a critical bug... The devs are working on an update to fix many bugs, so wait for it... Meanwhile, you still can try 2 options:

1, Editing your save data (Here's the link: http:// Be super careful with your savedata.)

2, Start a new session (This is much easier... You also can work on achievements that you missed.)





Q, I don't have the necessary exe file to do this mission!! UGGHHHH

A, Here is the list of exe files, and in which mission you can find them. Use "CTRL+F" on this guide and search for them.



SecurityTracer.exe - "First Contact", or on "Credit Server" after you finish the game.

SSHcrack.exe (for port 22) - "Getting Some tools together"

FTPBounce.exe (for port 21) - "Welcome"

eosDeviceScan.exe (for finding eos device) - "eOS Device Scanning"

SMTPoverflow.exe (for port 25) - "Aggression must be punished"

WebServerWorm.exe (for port 80) - "***Revenging Naix***", or "CSEC Invitation"

SQLBufferOverflow.exe (for port 1433) - "-Shrine of Polar Star-"

SQL_MemCorrupt.exe (for port 1433) - "CSEC Invitation - Congratulations"

Decypher.exe (for decrypting files) - "Ghosting the Vault"

DECHead.exe (for analyzing .dec files) - "Through the Spyglass"

KBT_PortTest.exe (for port 104) - "Project Junebug"

TraceKill.exe (for freezing traces) - "Bit -- Foundation"

Sequencer.exe (for the final hacking) - "Bit -- Termination"

Clock.exe (Um...just a clock app) - Read "-Finding Clock.exe-"

SecurityTracer.exe(安全追踪程序) -来自 "First Contact"(第一次沟通), 或在完成游戏时的"Credit Server" (荣誉服务器)上。

SSHcrack.exe (ssh协议破解器)(适用端口 22) - "Getting Some tools together"(收集些工具)

FTPBounce.exe (ftp“跳转攻击”破解器)(适用端口21) - "Welcome"(欢迎)

eosDeviceScan.exe(eos设备搜寻器) (适用寻找eos设备) - "eOS Device Scanning"(搜寻eos设备)

SMTPoverflow.exe(邮件过载破解器) (适用端口25) - "Aggression must be punished"(侵略者必将受惩处)

WebServerWorm.exe (网络蠕虫破解器)(适用端口80) - "***Revenging Naix***"(向Naix复仇 译者:这不是一个官方给出的任务名,我没记错的话。), or "CSEC Invitation"(CSEC诚邀您到来)

SQLBufferOverflow.exe (SQL内存缓冲区过载破解器)(适用端口1433) - "-Shrine of Polar Star-"(北极星圣地)

SQL_MemCorrupt.exe(SQL_内存错误破解器) (for port 1433) - "CSEC Invitation - Congratulations"(CSEC邀请-祝贺!)


Decypher.exe (解密器)(适用解密文件) - "Ghosting the Vault"[拱顶鬼神(?)]

DECHead.exe (十六进制文件头查看器/加密文件查看器?)(适用分析加密文件) - "Through the Spyglass"(通过望远镜)

KBT_PortTest.exe[KBT端口测试器(其实也是破解器。)] (适用端口104) - "Project Junebug"(Junebug项目)

TraceKill.exe(阻止追踪) (适用冻结追踪) - "Bit -- Foundation"(Bit-支柱)

Sequencer.exe(排序器) (适用最后骇入) - "Bit -- Termination"(Bit-终局)

Clock.exe (钟)(Hmm…只是个钟的软件) - Read "-Finding Clock.exe-"(敬参阅“寻找‘Clock.exe’”)

For KBT_PortTest.exe, you can try this method if you don't get "Project Junebug" unlocked, or mistakenly abandoned it. Thank you, Elsarild!



Q, I can't use this command somehow!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

A, Make sure to check if you already have the necessary exe for the command, then try typing commands like below:




Command Template - Example

命令 样板 - 范例

scp [the file's name] - scp index.html

connect [the IP address] - connect

cd [the folder path] - cd /log

replace [the file's name] "[target words]" "[your words]" - replace template.txt "[FIRST_NAME]" "John"

(If you use "cat" and open the file, you can use 'replace "[FIRST_NAME]" "John" ' instead. Use the full command above if you get "Assuming active flag file" error.)

Decypher [the file's name] [its password] - Decypher naix_secrets.dec D1CKS

DECHead [the file's name] - DECHead naix_private_photos.dec

mv [target's name] [new name] - mv template.txt Boorman_John[111]

scp (文件传输)[the file's name(文件名)] - scp index.html

connect(连接) [the IP address(IP地址)] - connect

cd (改变目录)[the folder path(文件地址)] - cd /log

replace(替换) [the file's name(文件名)] "[target words(文件中目标文字)]" "[your words(你想要替代它的文字)]" - replace template.txt "[FIRST_NAME]" "John"

[若您使用cat打开文件,你可以使用以下命令:“replace "[FIRST_NAME]" "John"”,若得到"Assuming active flag file"(译者:我对这句实在没辙……抱歉……)错误则打全整条命令。]

Decypher [the file's name(文件名)] [its password(其密码,有时没有)] - Decypher naix_secrets.dec D1CKS

mv(移动) [target's name(目标文件名)] [new name(新名)] - mv template.txt Boorman_John[111]





?pwd=ypk2 提取码:ypk2



基努·里维斯Keanu Reeves -- 尼奥Neo




Beirut, Lebanon


Keanu Charles Reeves


The Wall (due to his position in ice hockey)


Norman Kreeves|K.C. Reeves|Chuck Spidena



作品年表 - Actor

• 黑暗扫瞄仪 A Scanner Darkly (2006)

• 触不到的恋人 The Lake House (2006)

• 地狱星 Constantine (2005)

• 爱是妥协 Something's Gotta Give (2003)

• 黑客帝国3:革命 The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

• 黑客帝国2:重装上阵 The Matrix Reloaded (2003)

• 硬式棒球 Hardball (2001)

• 甜蜜十一月 Sweet November (2001)

• 惊魂眼 The Gift (2000)

• 夺命追踪 The Watcher (2000)

• 替补队员 The Replacements (2000)

• 黑客帝国 The Matrix (1999)

• 魔鬼代言人 The Devil's Advocate (1997)

• 连锁反应 Chain Reaction (1996)

• 非常任务 Johnny Mnemonic (1995)

• 生死时速 Speed (1994)

• 吸血僵尸惊情四百年 Dracula (1992)

劳伦斯·费什伯恩Laurence Fishburne -- 墨菲斯Morpheus(光头)




Augusta, Georgia, USA


Fish |Larry


Larry Fishburme|Laurence Fishburne III|Larry Fishburne|Lawrence Fishburne




演员 cast

1 A Landlord's Tale (2007) .....

2 The Death and Life of Bobby Z (2006) ..... Tad Gruzsa

3 阿基拉和拼字比赛 Akeelah and the Bee (2006) ..... Dr. Larabee

4 Bobby (2006) ..... Edward Robinson

5 谍中谍3 Mission: Impossible III (2006) ..... Theodore Brassel

6 The Black Movie Awards (2005) ..... Himself-Presenter

7 The Matrix Online (2005) ..... Morpheus

8 The 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards (2005) ..... Himself - Presenter: Film Clip from "Hotel Rwanda"

9 The Matrix: Path of Neo (2005) ..... Morpheus (archive footage)

10 Five Fingers (2005) .....

11 True Crime: New York City (2005) ..... Isaiah Reed (voice)

12 The 59th Annual Tony Awards (2005) ..... Presenter Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Play

13 血溅13号警署 Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) ..... Marion Bishop

14 The Dream Studio (2004) ..... Himself (archive footage)

15 Mystic River: Beneath the Surface (2004) ..... Himself

16 Mystic River: From Page to Screen (2004) ..... Himself

17 The Burly Man Chronicles (2004) ..... Himself

18 The Matrix Recalibrated (2004) ..... Himself

19 The N-Word (2004) ..... (archive footage)

20 黑客帝国2:重装上阵 The Matrix Reloaded (2003) ..... Morpheus

21 Crash Course (2003) ..... Himself

22 悬河杀机 Mystic River (2003) ..... Sgt. Whitey Powers

23 黑客帝国3:矩阵革命 The Matrix Revolutions (2003) ..... Morpheus

24 The 57th Annual Tony Awards (2003) ..... Himself

25 Friendly Fire: Making an Urban Legend (2003) ..... Himself

26 Enter the Matrix (2003) ..... Morpheus

27 布鲁斯之魂 The Soul of a Man (2003) ..... Narrator

28 蛇行太保 Biker Boyz (2003) ..... Smoke

29 黑客帝国:重访矩阵 The Matrix Revisited (2001) ..... Himself/Morpheus

30 捍胃战士 Osmosis Jones (2001) ..... Thrax

31 "Christianity: The First Two Thousand Years" (2001) ..... Narrator (voice)

32 Welcome to Hollywood (2000) ..... Himself

33 Michael Jordan to the Max (2000) ..... Narrator (voice)

34 2000 MTV Movie Awards (2000) ..... Himself/Morpheus (as Lawrence Fishburne)

35 Sex and the Matrix (2000) ..... Morpheus (archive footage)

36 Once in the Life (2000) ..... 20/20 Mike

37 VH1/Vogue Fashion Awards (2000) ..... Himself

38 Making 'The Matrix' (1999) ..... Himself

39 The Matrix: The Movie Special (1999) ..... Himself

40 黑客帝国 The Matrix (1999) ..... Morpheus

41 The 53rd Annual Tony Awards (1999) ..... Himself

42 Intimate Portrait: Agnes Nixon (1999) ..... Himself

43 Always Outnumbered (1998) ..... Socrates Fortlow

44 暴徒 Hoodlum (1997) ..... Bumpy Johnson

45 Miss Evers' Boys (1997) ..... Caleb Humphries

46 黑洞表面 Event Horizon (1997) ..... Captain Miller

47 Kennedy Center's 25th Anniversary (1996) ..... Himself

48 亡命悍将 Fled (1996) ..... Charles Piper

49 Before Your Eyes (1996) ..... Narrator

50 The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996) ..... Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Original Song

51 奥赛罗 Othello (1995) ..... Othello

52 黑色轰炸机 The Tuskegee Airmen (1995) ..... Hannibal Lee

53 正当防卫 Just Cause (1995) ..... Sheriff Tanny Brown

54 轰天杀手 Bad Company (1995) ..... Nelson Crowe/Narrator

55 校园大冲突 Higher Learning (1995) ..... Professor Maurice Phipps

56 第66届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 66th Annual Academy Awards (1994) ..... Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role

57 与爱何干 What's Love Got to Do with It (1993) ..... Ike Turner, Sr.

58 "The Wild West" (1993) ..... Nat Love (voice)

59 王者之旅 Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993) ..... Vinnie

60 Choices (1992) ..... Himself

61 卧龙战警 Deep Cover (1992) ..... Russell Stevens, Jr./John Hull/Narrator

62 法网雄心 Class Action (1991) ..... Nick Holbrook (as Larry Fishburne)

63 黑暗之心 Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991) ..... Himself

64 街区男孩 Boyz n the Hood (1991) ..... Jason 'Furious' Styles

65 南北战争 "The Civil War" (1990) ..... (voice) (as Larry Fishburne)

66 Decoration Day (1990) ..... Michael Waring, DOD Man

67 Cadence (1990) ..... Roosevelt Stokes (as Larry Fishburne)

68 黑道皇帝 King of New York (1990) ..... Jimmy Jump

69 Christmas Special (1988) ..... Cowboy Curtis

70 学校万花筒 School Daze (1988) ..... Dap

71 红场特警 Red Heat (1988) ..... Lt. Charlie Stobbs (as Larry Fishburne)

72 猛鬼逛街 A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) ..... Max

73 石花园 Gardens of Stone (1987) ..... Sgt. Flanagan (as Larry Fishburne)

74 金甲无敌 Cherry 2000 (1987) ..... Glu Glu Lawyer (as Larry Fishburne)

75 四海小兄弟 Band of the Hand (1986) ..... Cream

76 "Pee-wee's Playhouse" (1986) ..... Cowboy Curtis (as Larry Fishburne)

77 银色快手 Quicksilver (1986) ..... Voodoo (as Larry Fishburne)

78 紫色 The Color Purple (1985) ..... Swain (as Larry Fishburne)

79 棉花俱乐部 The Cotton Club (1984) ..... Bumpy Rhodes (as Larry Fishburne)

80 斗鱼 Rumble Fish (1983) ..... Midget

81 For Us the Living: The Medgar Evers Story (1983) ..... Jimbo Collins (as Larry Fishburme)

82 I Take These Men (1983) ..... Hank Johnson (as Larry Fishburne)

83 猛龙怪客续集 Death Wish II (1982) ..... Cutter (as Laurence Fishburne III)

84 A Rumor of War (1980) ..... Lightbulb

85 Willie and Phil (1980) ..... Wilson

86 "The Six O'Clock Follies" (1980) ..... Robby Robinson

87 Fast Break (1979) ..... Street Kid (as Laurence Fishburne III)

88 现代启示录 Apocalypse Now (1979) ..... Tyrone 'Clean' Miller

89 If You Give a Dance, You Gotta Pay the Band (1975) .....

90 面包、伯爵和我 Cornbread, Earl and Me (1975) ..... Wilford Robinson (as Lawrence Fishburne)

91 "One Life to Live" (1968) ..... Dr. Joshua "Josh" Hall #1 (1973-1976)

导演 director

1 Once in the Life (2000) .....

编剧 writer

1 Once in the Life (2000) ..... also play Riff Raff

制片 producer

1 A Landlord's Tale (2007) ..... producer

2 阿基拉和拼字比赛 Akeelah and the Bee (2006) ..... producer

3 The Beltway (2005) ..... producer

4 Five Fingers (2005) ..... producer

5 Once in the Life (2000) ..... producer

6 Always Outnumbered (1998) ..... executive producer

7 暴徒 Hoodlum (1997) ..... executive producer

8 Miss Evers' Boys (1997) ..... executive producer

全体团队 crewmembers

1 黑客帝国:重访矩阵 The Matrix Revisited (2001) ..... special thanks

凯瑞·安妮摩斯Carrie-Anne Moss -- 翠尼蒂Trinity





* 传记

凯莉·安妮·莫斯身高1米74,出生在加拿大的温哥华。凯莉-安·摩斯是身母亲辛苦抚养的家里最小的孩子,她有一个姐姐。她的名字由来则有些趣闻,乃是当年狂爱音乐的母亲取自当时Horries乐队的一首流行歌曲《Carrie Anne》。之后身材高挑秀美的凯莉·安妮·莫斯发现自己适合做一名出色的模特,就在20岁时她凭着漂亮的外形离开了温暖的家,跑回西班牙干起了职业模特。立刻取得了成功,很快就出现在世界各地的广告和杂志封面上。当凯莉·安妮·莫斯干模特正起劲时,当年的知名电视剧《黑暗的公正》来到西班牙拍摄,幸运的凯莉·安妮·莫斯得到了其中的一个角色,之后她为了圆梦,干脆跟着摄制组来到了好莱坞。从此凯莉·安妮·莫斯正式踏足演艺圈。其后,她又从事商业广告,在洛杉机的休斯顿剧院上演的《出海》中出演一个角色。1999年的《黑客帝国》改变了摩斯的命运,她因此片一举成名,片中她戴着黑超和身披黑衣的基努·里维斯相互辉映。随后在2000年她出演的《记忆碎片》也获得了评论界的一致好评。正像评论界所称赞的,干净利落的魅力,从来都是那样的深入人心。她的丈夫是演员斯蒂文·罗伊,他们于1999年11月结婚,育有二子。


米尼的第一次 Mini's First Time (2006)

Fido (2006)

Disturbia (2006)

我行我素 The Chumscrubber (2005)

Snow Cake (2005)

The Matrix: Path of Neo (2005)

Sledge: The Untold Story (2005)

零号嫌疑犯/罪魁祸首 Suspect Zero (2004)

The Burly Man Chronicles (2004)

黑客帝国3:矩阵革命/黑客帝国3:最后战役/黑客帝国3:帝国革命 The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

黑客帝国2:重装上阵/骇客帝国2/黑客帝国2/黑客帝国II The Matrix Reloaded (2003)

Enter the Matrix (2003)

骇客帝国动画版 The Animatrix (2003)

A Detective Story (2003)

Kid's Story (2003)

Enter the Matrix (2003)

The 2002 IFP/West Independent Spirit Awards (2002)

The 59th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2002)

The Matrix Revisited (2001)

记忆碎片/纪念品 Memento (2000)

巧克力 Chocolat (2000)

红色星球 Red Planet (2000)

狐群狗党 The Crew (2000)

黑客帝国/骇客帝国/22世纪杀人网络 The Matrix (1999)

Making 'The Matrix' (1999)

The Matrix: The Movie Special (1999)

新血 New Blood (1999)

终极死线 Lethal Tender (1997)

恐吓 Terrified (1996)

Headless Body in Topless Bar (1996)

不可能的猎杀 Sabotage (1996)

Doorways (1993)

凶杀案后 Flashfire (1993)

  • 评论列表:
  •  掩吻颇倔
     发布于 2022-07-06 03:08:33  回复该评论
  • 68) ..... Dr. Joshua "Josh" Hall #1 (1973-1976)导演 director1 Once in the Life (2000) .....编剧 writer1 Once in the Life (2000) ..... also p
  •  瑰颈过活
     发布于 2022-07-06 09:44:17  回复该评论
  • 安妮·莫斯正式踏足演艺圈。其后,她又从事商业广告,在洛杉机的休斯顿剧院上演的《出海》中出演一个角色。1999年的《黑客帝国》改变了摩斯的命运,她因此片一举成名,片中她戴着黑超和身披黑衣的基努·里维斯相互辉映。随后在2000年她出
  •  慵吋情授
     发布于 2022-07-06 05:34:12  回复该评论
  • 地狱星 Constantine (2005)• 爱是妥协 Something's Gotta Give (2003)• 黑客帝国3:革命 The Matrix Revolut
  •  拥嬉冬马
     发布于 2022-07-06 05:31:27  回复该评论
  • ason 'Furious' Styles65 南北战争 "The Civil War" (1990) ..... (voice) (as Larry Fishburne)66 Decoration Day (1990) .....


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