



求英语作文,My Own Android 一百词左右,带翻译

Suppose you have a robot named Allen, please

According to the following content to My Own Android pertaining to

Brief introduction of the robot you the your friends

1 manufacturing in January of 2008, a height of 1.5 meters;

2 have artificial intelligence: can chat. Playing chess. Play games


3 will do almost all the housework, especially in the accompanying elderly

Grandpa aspects is satisfactory

4 hope to upgrade at any time according to need

急需!英语作文A person I admire(80词左右)

A person I admire

I admire Jay Zhou ,he was a famous Chinese singer.He was born on January 18th 1979.he works very hard , he could write fifty pieces of music,and a busenissmen choosed the ten piece of them,made Jay Zhou's first CD,it was named Fan Te Xi.I think Jay Zhou is a talented singer,and I really admire him.

I want to be a singer in future like Jay Zhou

求一篇英语作文,要求。 假如我是李华作为交换生在英国学习期间结交的朋友Allen下月将要来中国学习汉语...

Dear Allen

Long time no see! I am glad to make friend with you in England. At that time ,we helped each other and learned together happily . Now , you will come to China, I welcome you to live in my house

It is great to study with you again. I think you will worry about Chinese, Don't worry ! I will try my best to help you. I can also ask you for English. My parents are warm-heart , they heard that you will come and very happy

I look forward to meeting with you! Best wish to you.


Li Hua

求100字英语作文。题目my android随便写附带翻译。谢啦(内容最好简单点)

作文:Welcome ladies and gentlemen. I am glad to introduce a new android to everyone today. My android, Allen, was produced in January 2008. The height of it is approximately 1.5 meters. It has the modernest artificial intelligence which gives him the abillity to do almost everything that a human can possibly do within thousands and millionds ways. For example, Allen is able to chat and play with its owner, and he is especially designed to take care elders from different aspects. That includes houseworks which satisfy many of buyers who are elders. The most remarkable function of it is the upgrading system which allows the owner to modify the appearance and controlling system of my friend, Allen, so he can do any work under any difficult situation. Thanks for the time. I hope that everyone here enjoyed my speech.

翻译:女士们,先生们欢迎。我很高兴今天介绍一个新的android。艾伦,我的android是2008年1月。 它的高度大约是1.5米。它有最时髦的人工智能,给了他力量几乎所有人类能做在数千millionds方式。例如,艾伦可以聊天和玩它的主人,和他专门照顾长者从不同的方面。包括houseworks满足很多买家都是长老。最显著的功能就是升级系统,让业主修改外观和控制系统的我的朋友,艾伦,所以他能做任何困难的情况下工作。谢谢你的时间。我希望这里的每个人都喜欢我的演讲


我最近看电视剧《闪电侠第一季》我就被它的故事情节深深地吸引住了。它所讲述的是Barry Allen在11岁的时候,他的母亲死于一次离奇的恐怖事故,而他父亲更被错误指认为凶手,而他父亲的挚友,警探Joe West领养了他。现在Barry Allen已成为一个聪明﹑上进﹑讨喜的CSI鉴证分析员,与此同时他为了调查母亲死亡的真相,于是追踪起各种都市传说,也同时见识了先进的科技。近期Barry Allen迷上了由有远见的科学家Harrison Wells及其S.T.A.R.实验室团队开发的粒子加速器,其功能指对能量及医学界都会有飞跃的进步;然而在公开亮相当日,粒子加速器爆炸并引起了一股风暴,不少人因此丧命,而Barry Allen则被雷击。长达9个月的昏迷苏醒后,Barry Allen发现自己因祸得福,得到超高速的力量,令他决定使用此力量保护中心城。不过他随即发现他并非唯一一个“超人类”,自那事故后,中心城的失踪事故及不明原因死亡事件急剧增加,而且有人在爆炸事件后,成了能使出风暴之力的人。于是主角现在有了新目标,利用他的超高速保护市民,以及调查母亲死亡的真相,为父亲正名。虽然目前仅有部份密友及同事知道他的真面目,但世人将会都认识这位新英雄——闪电侠。





  • 评论列表:
  •  俗野掩灼
     发布于 2022-07-04 14:50:54  回复该评论
  • intelligence: can chat. Playing chess. Play gamesplay3 will do almost all the housework, es
  •  寻妄折木
     发布于 2022-07-04 11:00:06  回复该评论
  • wner to modify the appearance and controlling system of my friend, Allen, so he can do


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